“Si la tarea de la pintura fuese ponernos ante los ojos el aire y la preciosa vastedad del espacio y de todo lo demás, más valdría ir a disfrutar directa y gratuitamente de todo ello”(Ernst Bloch)

viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011

In this exhibition

In this exhibition, we present some of the work of the artist Adrian Iturburu, a sample that includes 15 pieces, each one carried out using a mixed media technique on canvas, between 2009 and 2010, and representing a part of his latest and most recent personal work.

It is an exhibition that aims to bring the observer close to a personal and irreverent poetic form, which embodies a unique vision and serves as a way to understand the synthesized process of life itself, the fusion and assimilation of modern civilization, industrialized society, art and politics.

A process of drawing close to that personal conceptual idea, which is translated to the realm of the senses and the pictorial experience, through drawings of intense color, and which attempt to drag us through an intense and profound reflection on our direct responsibility in all of the events of our lives.

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